Thursday, August 23, 2012

l.e.t.t.i.n. g.o.

“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” Lao Tzu

Back is adjusted. Body is healing. It was so good to see Kate today and get to vent and sort out our situations. After all this mamba jamba, I'm commiting to letting go.

Worrying about the future only messes with what you've got going on in the present. With all that's been running in my mind, I feel super foolish thinking I needed to keep up with other peoples' hustle. When I stop to focus on my own goals and style is when I can achieve and succeed at my own hustle, and own the shit out of it.

I'm understanding now that what I have to offer is NOT what other people have put on the table. What I have is a piece of me that the world has yet to see and that I am destined to share and put out for others to enjoy and benefit from. No more conforming. I'm here to give what I have going on, cuz what I have is fucking awesome and the world wants it hella bad.

The world covets my gifts. And lucky for it, I'm about to give it all the glory I have to offer.

Watch out now...